Distinguished literary translators must be lifelong students of literature and have superior writing skills in English. They must also understand the business of translation. Our master’s degree in literary translation studies (MALTS) combines academic rigor, strong practical training, and intensive professional development through internships with Open Letter and other literary presses.
To apply to the program students must have:
1. Bachelor’s degree or higher in related field
2. Completed the online application
3. Official transcripts
4. Three letters of recommendation
5. Personal statement describing:
(1) Career and educational goals
(2) Prior experience with literary studies, creative writing, translation, and languages other than English
(3) Proficiency in a second foreign language and literary tradition
6. Translation sample (approximately 20 pages of fiction or drama, 200 lines of poetry) and copies of corresponding pages from source text*
*Upload your translation sample to the documents portion of the online application.